The Future of Healthcare: Live With Intent

Gratitude with Michael Chavez (USA)

Season 1 Episode 13

This week, Thomas and Justin explore the principle of gratitude with Michael Chavez. Michael is the chief executive officer for Duke Corporate Education, part of Duke University and a premier global provider of leadership development solutions. He is passionate about “re-humanizing” leadership. By engaging people around a purpose, shared meaning and empathy, he believes leaders can create the foundation for greater sustainability in a world that is more complex and unpredictable than ever.
Michael’s research currently focuses on how leaders can most effectively shape, institutionalize and lead from a shared organizational purpose. He teaches, facilitates and advises in the areas of leadership and culture, organizational networks, team collaboration, strategy and execution and has led projects all over the world and in a variety of industries, including technology, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, retail, financial services and media.
Michael is also the co-author with Sudhanshu Palsule of Rehumanizing Leadership: Putting Purpose Back into Business, your guide to building engaged, resilient and innovative organizations in the 21st century.

Audio Engineer:  Jack Donaldson
Producer: Madeline May